perm filename PAPERS[AIM,DBL] blob sn#125915 filedate 1974-10-22 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
00400	4th IJCAI, Sept.3-8, 1975, Tbilisi, Georgia, USSR
00500	  Deadline: Paper: Jan. 15
00600	  Scope: BEINGS as a new, extended, modular formulation for
00700		representing knowledge (esp., knowl. about programming). View PUP6
00800		as merely an application, an example, of this idea (reference
00900		the French Symposium paper).
01000	  Size: 15  1-1/2 spaced pages (6000 words).  Abstract: 100 words.
01200	Proving and Improving Programs,July 1-3, Arc et Senans, Doubs, France
01300	  Deadline: Paper: Draft: January 15. Final copy: May 1.
01400	  Scope: Concentrate on PUP6 itself, as an AP program. 
01500		Discuss BEINGS only briefly (reference the IJCAI paper).
01600		Problems with Automatic SYnthesis of Large Programs.
01700	  Size: 25 double spaced pages.  Abstract: 200 words.
01900	AI Memo
02000	  Scope: full details of all aspects of the project.
02100	  Deadline: would it be better to wait till after the conferences,
02200		so they won't view those papers as "old," published research?
02500	Cybernetics and Systems,August 25-29, 1975, Bucharest, Roumania
02600	  Deadline: Summary: November 30. Paper: March 31.
02700	  Scope: The heterarchical, modular aspects of BEINGS; why that
02800		helps, why 2 parts would be too small, why 1000 too big, to
02900		handle.  Only submit if no significant duplication with the French
03000		and with the IJCAI papers.  (Else, skip this one.)
03100	  Size: Summary: 200 words.   Paper length limit not announced.
03300	US--Japan Computer Conference, August, 1975, Tokyo, Japan
03400	  Scope: Probably won't submit one.
03600	note: to shorten current draft, one might condense app2 and app3 into
03700	a new appendix, with one line of description and data ∀ BEING. also,
03800	one could eliminate most of app4, app5, and app6.  App1 could be incor-
03900	porated into the body, in place of the hypothetical parts list.